Looking For Staff?

Are you looking to expand your workforce? Consider this an opportunity to open up a world of possibilities for someone by hiring a person with a disability. Not only will you gain a loyal and committed employee, but you will know that you have positively changed someone’s life and are helping build a more inclusive community.

One in five Australians identifies as having a disability however the unemployment rate of this group is nearly double the national average. The first step to enhancing the inclusion of people with disability in society is fostering awareness and increasing participation rates in the workforce. So why should you hire a person with a disability?

  • The Australian Network on Disability reports 90% of employers who had recently employed a person with a disability said they would be happy to continue to employ people with disability

  • You will gain a loyal member for your team, who is eager to support your business endeavours.

  • Customers with disabilities are three times as likely to avoid an organisation that has a negative diversity reputation than those who don’t.

  • Employers may be eligible for government incentives and wage subsidies up to $10,000 for any eligible job seeker they hire.

  • The ABS reported 83% of employed working-age people with a disability do not need time off from work because of their conditions and 88% do not require additional support

A study by Telstra Australia also found that:

  • Over a 15-month period, people with disability had 11.8 days absent, compared to people without a disability who had 19.24 days absent

  • There was no significant differences when comparing people with disability to people without disability in the areas of performance, productivity and sales.

  • Employees with disability stayed with the company for an average of 4.1 years, compared to 3.2 years for employees without a disability.

When you choose Castle as your disability employment agency, you choose support, every step of the way

  • We take the time to understand your business, including the skills and experience you need, and the cultural fit for your organisation.

  • Castle can provide you with a shortlist of candidates who are the right fit for your business and are ready to work. Saving you time and money on recruitment

  • Our dedicated Employment Support Managers offer industry-leading support to you, your new and existing employees, for as long as is needed.

  • Castle will assist you in accessing funding for workplace modifications and assistive technology such as wheelchair ramps, specialised computers and interpreters.

So, if you’re looking to hire consider recruiting through Castle. To find out more call 1300 817 917 or visit castle.org.au/businesses