Having an accident, a fall or another type of event that results in an injury is something that can happen to any of us. If you have been injured or had a serious illness, you might need extra help to find a suitable job for you or staying at your current job.
With some strategies put in place, we can support you to make the transition back to work.

Common challenges people with an injury may experience:
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Adaptation period, getting used to the new way they can perform tasks
- More planning and organisation to do daily tasks
- Psychological distress
- Cognitive problems
- Movement limitation
At Castle, we understand that life after an injury involves a new set of challenges. We want to support you in your journey.
If you have had an injury, Castle can work with yourself and your employer to ensure that the workplace is accessible and that your job duties are ones that you are capable of without putting any strain on historic injuries.