Are you about to finish school?

Finishing school can be an exciting yet daunting time for many young people. Castle are here to support you to navigate your career options, build your job-readiness capacity and transition into the world of employment.

Whatever your goals, our team support you to take the steps needed to achieve them.

Tyler shares his story and experience with Castle.
Build your skills, explore your options and get job-ready.

Support to navigate your options

Support to navigate career options

Goal setting, on-the-job training, work experience and further education

Assistance to create a resume that highlights your skills to an employer

Support from our team to find and keep a job

Job readiness and employment training

Support to leave school early, and transition to work or study

Assistance to connect with specialist partners to address personal barriers

Utilise your NDIS plan if you have one

Schools leavers supported by a Castle worker
Schools leavers supported by a Castle worker


Eligibility for School Leaver support varies depending on your individual circumstances, so it's best to ask our team how we can best tailor support to meet your goals.

Students receive support within two streams; NDIS School Leaver Employment Support (SLES), and DES for Eligible School Leavers (ESL), or a combination of both.

NDIS School Leaver Employment Support (SLES)

To be eligible for SLES students need:

  • to have an NDIS Plan
  • be under 22 years old.

Castle's NDIS Job readiness and employment supports school leavers with an NDIS plan.

Not sure if you receive the correct funding? We can help you navigate NDIS plan funding to best achieve your goals.

Disability Employment Services for Eligible School Leavers (ESL)

DES ESL can be delivered to students:

  • in their final year of school
  • live with disability or medical condition
  • attend a disability specialist school, or a mainstream school and receive disability funding
Not sure if you are eligible? Ask our team how we can best tailor support to meet your goals, fill out the form below.
Message us